Iranian Birding Club
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  World Migratory Bird Day May 2020


Due to the still developing Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, the Iranian Birding club has decided to carry out the following online activities on the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day:

  • Online conversation on "why do birds connect our world?" Live conversation with Mr. Mohammad Darvish, environmental activist, on Instagram about "why do birds connect our world?". We will talk about the importance of the migratory birds and conservation of their habitats.


  • Painting competition for kids with Iran's migratory birds’ topic. The top 10 paintings will be awarded. This is to make the kids familiar with the species and raise awareness among them regarding the importance of the migratory birds and their roll in ecological connectivity.


  • Sharing photos. As this year we are not able to organize trips to Iran's birding hotspots, we invite the birdwatchers to share in the social media, their photos and lists of the birds that they can see from their home window or in their backyard.


  • Gull Identification Online Course. Last but not least, we are offering an online course on identification of the gulls. One of the hard species to identify migratory species of Iran.

تاریخ ارسال: 5/9/2020